What can you feed your fish?

Fish eat all types of foods and most of the fishes are omnivores. The food that is readily available in the market is:

Live food


Frozen food

Pellet food

Flake food

There are other types of food obviously, but these are the common fish meal products that you will notice at the local pet store.

Live Food

Live food should only be given to fish that can manage eating it. Minnows and goldfish are generally fed to bigger fish but they lack the nutrients of the frozen food. I recommend you to supplement a big fish live diet with frozen foods and gammarus. That will ensure that they have the nutrients they require.


Wafers are generally made of plants and they are for the plant eating fish. Due to this, they have a tendency to make the water dirty if not removed. If you have plant eating fish in the tank, you may throw in a lettuce leaf. It decays quite slowly and your fishes will love it.

Frozen food

Frozen food is the healthiest option for your fish as it maintains all the nutrients. Frozen foods come in various types such as decapsulated artemia and brine shrimp. These are all quite healthy for the fish. Just keep in mind to feed only sufficient that your fish eat within 3-5 minutes. This frozen food gets decayed quickly and can give a cloudy aquarium water appearance.

Flake food

Flake food is the most common type of fish food available in the market. It comes in high and low quality and most flake food is good for all types of fish, including gold fish and tropical fish. I recommend you to provide them food with high protein content. Flake food can be fed to different types of fishes.


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